Saturday, October 6, 2007

Those WHO BELONG To CHRIST Respond POSITIVELY To His Supreme Goodness

"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me -- just as the Father knows me and I know the Father…(John 10:14-15.)

Those who belong to Christ – His sheep -- know Him “just as the Father knows” Christ and He knows the Father.

They were able to know God not just through the beauty of His creation. They were able to know Him intimately – knowing that God Himself has an Awesome Attractiveness, that no one can match His Supreme Goodness – when God had revealed Himself to them -- to “those to whom the Son chooses” (Matt. 11:27).

God’s Word declares that there are those who do not know God (2 Thess. 1:8) -- spiritually blind to behold the Divine Goodness of the Shepherd.

But those who grasp the Goodness and Great Love of the Savior who died for them ((John 10:15; 15::13) – they will listen to His voice. They will follow Him (John 10:4). Those who know the Trustworthiness of the Shepherd will trust Him (e.g. Psalm 9:10; Matt. 9:28; John 9:35-38).

God’s Goodness will create positive response from those who belong to Him. For they know His Captivating Goodness – Love and Holiness, Mercy and Justice -- Redeemer and Avenger. They are given the wonderful experience to have a glimpse of the Splendor of God’s Glory!

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