"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words" (Rom. 8:26).
There are many instances in the Bible, wherein God seemed to change His Plan because of the prayer of a believer.
But could it be that it is God Himself who changes us?
And that in our prayer, through His Spirit, He moved us to make our longings be conformed to His Sovereign Will?
On our own, we do not know what is best and what is right. We are always biased in our request.
If ever our petition is answered, could it be that it is not only in line with His Will, but in the first place, He Himself has worked in our mind to ask for it?
In our prayer, could it be God is actually transforming our mind to be conformed to His Will?
We really need to pray -- more and more. So our mind could be transformed more to God's mind.
King Hezekiah's prayer extended His life.
Moses asked God not to annihilate the Israelites.
Samuel is an answered prayer to one of the wives of ... I forgot.
David was asked to choose what punishment he prefers.
Do say "change" philosophically or practically?
Perhaps Mr. EN, you are reading what others have written about the things in the bible. Please read the bible yourself without the written articles of others.
Look for supporting scriptures. Look for scriptures also that has a seeming contrary point and see how that scripture is settled.
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