Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Supreme Goodness of God

When I first realized that God is good -- not just because He favored me with good things, or because of the good things He is doing, but He is good because of WHO HE IS -- that He remains to be good regardless of what He allows to happen to me, or what is happening in the world, His Goodness does not diminish or increase by what will happen to me -- I was overwhelmed with awe of Him.

From then on, I wanted to become more familiar with Him -- I desire to know Him more.

Just like His Love, His Goodness is truly incomprehensible by our human mind.

We limit His Goodness if we try to define or measure by the good thing that we ordinarily experience. We need to allow His Word (the Bible) -- through His Spirit -- to display His Divine Goodness to us.

Only then that we can truly begin to see and appreciate how good He is!

1 comment:

Orton said...

We need to allow His Word (the Bible) -- through His Spirit -- to display His Divine Goodness to us.

Please give example po in your life how His Word displayed His divine goodness to you. Salamat po. Donot use actual names or places po.