Friday, March 9, 2007


“Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you” (Ps. 73:25).

How much do we long for God?

Are we so attracted to Him that we could also say, “And earth has nothing I desire besides You”?

We tend to gravitate to what this world has than to the One who created us!We desire more to have jobs, to have a family, to own a land, house, or car. In the church, we want to have more members, more income, or more ministries. In the family, we are pleased to have a very supportive spouse, obedient children, or tolerant parents.

Not all our desires are wrong, but do we find God MORE attractive, interesting, delightful than our friends, beliefs, ambitions, possessions, or even than our comfort?

Perhaps, we need to re-read the Bible. Study it with the thought that God is revealing Himself in its pages and learn more and really appreciate His Glorious Desirability!

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