Man’s words, “…All humanity is invited and enabled by the Spirit to experience a radical change of mind away from sinful egoistic self-centeredness and toward God and his love experienced in union with Jesus Christ.”
Actually, those who are teaching that all humanity — according to them, every person in the world — are “enabled by they Spirit to experience a radical change of mind…” or to “repent” — are also saying that because of our human free will, others would also refuse to repent!
Just think about if this is Biblical or even logical: God would enable a person to repent, yet he could still unable to do it. Where is “enabling” there?
Besides, you cannot find a verse that shows God is enabling every person to repent!
Should we not accept God’s Word and realize that “…God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?” (Rom. 2:4, NIV.)
Many, however, would prefer to extol the human free will and would be comfortable with the humanistic reasoning: God has enabled everyone to repent, yet others remain to be unable to do it!
Could we not bow down before the Sovereign Will of God as we accept that He determines whom He wants to lead or grant repentance? And if He leads you to it, you’ll be able to really have it?