Tuesday, April 8, 2008


We read in Luke 19:10, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."

What a great comfort and encouragement to hear those words!

Jesus Christ came to seek... He Himself is the One who is doing the seeking. We do the hiding (Gen. 3:8). What a very foolish thing we do -- hiding from the only One who could give us happiness and satisfaction.

Whenever we hear His Words, "Where are you?" (Gen. 3:9) it does not mean that He does not know where we are. He knows exactly that we need His help, that apart from Him we have nowhere else to go.

He is seeking for us to help -- to save us. And when He seeks He finds. We cannot hide from Him.

Also, when He saves, He will surely save us. He will not just give us an option whether we choose to be saved, or not. Remember the story of the "Good Samaritan"? Did the Samaritan ever ask the victim whether he wanted his help? Yes, those who are lost are too helpless -- "half dead" -- to refuse.

Besides, Jesus came to seek and to save those who are aware and know they are really lost -- they do not know where to go, too helpless to save themselves.

God will not save those who believe that their good deeds, their good denomination, their good doctrines, their good choice, or whatever could save them.

Have you ever heard His Voice, "Where are you?"

Then, He was seeking to save you.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

HOW MUCH TIME God Listens?

How much time or how long do you pray? 5 minutes? 15 minutes? One half hour? An hour?

There was a point in my life that I was just concerned whether I prayed during the day, or not. Later, I was also asking the question: How long should I pray?

But, now, I believe that God -- through His Spirit -- will move His children not only what they ought to pray, but even for how much time they should pray.

Sometimes, I just prayed for a second... and the answer also came as fast as I finished!

Before I decided to leave the fellowship I was a member for several years, there were nights that I prayed without sleeping! It was really difficult to leave the fellowship of people you have learned to love, but, finally, my love for God's exaltation ought to triumph -- God answered my prayer positively that He even moved the heart of my spouse to agree with my decision.

How much time do I pray? It depends.

Actually, I just believe that I can always pray wherever I am and whatever I am doing. Sometimes, I feel that I am praying always.

I just learn to love doing it. For I believe that our Heavenly Father is always listening to us all the time!

We read in Psalm 22:24 states, "For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help."